Request a demo and webinar
A great way to explore how Evidence for Learning (EfL) and Insights for Learning can work for your school or setting is with a guided tour.
Best of all, we can give you and any of your colleagues a comprehensive guided walkthrough from the comfort of school, home or any other location via a remote Zoom or Teams meeting.
During the webinar we will screen-share with you and show you how EfL works, as well as how it’s being used by different schools, colleges and Alternative Provisions. Evidence for Learning is used in more than 700 specialist SEND schools, colleges and specialist resource provisions, as well as hundreds of mainstream schools.
You’ll see real-life examples of how schools have used the apps to create a rich and comprehensive picture of learning, engagement and progress for different learners through high quality evidence and rich assessment data, as well as how the apps support other vital aspects of school development.
During the webinar we can also discuss and look at how EfL and Insights could be customised and configured to support how your school, college or setting organises curriculum and general provision, as well as aligning with teaching and assessment approaches.
You can then go on to explore some of these elements as part of a FREE trial.
When you submit the form below we’ll be in touch to organise a webinar session.
NB. Webinars typically last 45-60 mins.