Evidence for Learning in action!
Watch these short videos to see Evidence for Learning in action in a range of different schools and settings – mainstream and specialist. These case studies show how Evidence for Learning has not just transformed the way that these school assess learning, but also their whole model of provision.
It has done this by allowing the school to effectively “remove” the walls between classrooms so that teachers, teaching assistants, school leaders, clinicians, therapists, families and any other stakeholders can work collaboratively to support the learner on their unique journey.
You’ll see in the videos a truly inquiry-based approach that genuinely places the learner at the centre and connects the entire team around them, allowing for more effective conversations about learning. The schools are able to show what progress looks like for all learners.
If you’d like to learn more and discuss how Evidence for Learning might help you and your school on your journey, please get in touch.
How Hollinwood Academy use Evidence for Learning
In this short video produced by Hollinwood Academy, the school shows how it’s using Evidence for Learning to transform the way it supports learners and their families with SEND. It provides an excellent overview of the various tools and features including the EfL Family and EfL Learner apps, as well as Insights for Learning.
SEND in mainstream: How to adapt to rising needs and increasing complexity
This video highlights how Tollgate Primary School in Newham, London uses Evidence for Learning (EfL) to support pupils with SEND. Interviews with staff, clinicians, and families show how EfL fosters family involvement and collaboration among all stakeholders to create meaningful learning experiences. It also demonstrates how EfL has raised expectations and standards across the school, particularly for SEND learners.
SEND in Mainstream: Adaptive collaboration between specialist & mainstream provision teams at Tollgate Primary School
In this video mainstream and specialist provision teachers as well as support staff at Tollgate Primary School discuss and demonstrate how they use Evidence for Learning, to work more effectively as a team around learners who are spending time in both mainstream classes and within the specialist provision.
A Multi Academy Trust Perspective on the benefits of using EfL
In this video, Tom Canning CBE (CEO of The Boleyn Trust) and Diane Rochford OBE discuss the benefits of using Evidence for Learning (EfL) in schools across The Boleyn Trust. Tom highlights the challenges around SEND and Inclusion within the MAT and explains how EfL helps schools meet the needs of pupils with SEND. He also discusses how EfL has reduced teacher workload while improving effectiveness. The Boleyn Trust is a Multi Academy Trust (MAT) of 8 mainstream schools in Newham and Tower Hamlets, London.
SEMH: Creating a multi-agency approach to the development of Social, Emotional and Mental Health
This short video highlights how Palmerston School in Liverpool uses Evidence for Learning and the Thrive Approach to nurture healthy, confident children ready to learn. It shows how EfL supports a collaborative, multi-agency approach, focusing on engagement and inquiry. The video includes interviews with parents sharing their views on their children’s learning, well-being, and aspirations for social, emotional, and mental health, as well as independence.
EfL: Developing a truly personalised approach for SEND learners and ALL Learners
This video showcases how Red Oaks Primary School in Swindon uses Evidence for Learning (EfL) in its Complex Needs provision and mainstream school. After less than a year of using EfL, the school demonstrates a personalised approach to assessment, starting with each learner’s EHCP and building into short-term goals. It also highlights how this links to a rich curriculum and how the school engages and empowers parents as active partners in their child’s learning.
EfL & Music Therapy: Enhancing and extending the impact of therapists
This video looks at how Evidence for Learning is used to enhance and extend the impact of therapists at Tollgate Primary School, a mainstream school in Newham, London. Ben Bradley (Music Therapist) describes how EfL allows them to easily correlate and verify that what they’re doing as healthcare professionals during therapy sessions and interventions always aligns with the wider provision and teaching and learning within the school. Ben also talks about the CPD benefits and how EfL generally enhances multi disciplinary collaboration.
Speech and Language Therapy (SaLT) & EfL: Refiing practice & transforming the multi disciplinary approach
This video shows how Tollgate Primary School uses Evidence for Learning (EfL) to improve collaboration among the multidisciplinary team. It features interviews with a Speech and Language Therapist, teachers, support staff, and senior leaders. Riffat Hussain (SaLT) explains how EfL helps her work with teaching staff and other clinicians to adapt practice. She and teacher Brian Jennings share a real-life example of how they use the app to support discussions about a pupil’s learning and engagement, as well as how EfL supports learners and families at home.
Literacy: Modelling best practice for parents to help with reading and comprehension
In this short video, a teacher at Palmerston School, Liverpool discusses how they use Evidence for Learning to record and annotate short ‘training’ videos for parents that model good literacy skills, such as how to decode phonics and good questioning. The approach provides a completely personalised set of resources to support the learner, and the Evidence for Learning system allows parents to record evidence of their son or daughter practicing their reading and comprehension at home and outside of school.
Mathematics & Numeracy: Demonstrating mastery and depth of understanding
This video shows how Red Oaks Primary School in Swindon uses Evidence for Learning (EfL) to support, assess, and demonstrate mastery in a child’s learning. It highlights how teachers capture and annotate rich learning conversations that reveal learners’ understanding of key concepts and skills. Videos, notes, and teacher reflections support an inquiry-based approach, helping identify barriers to engagement and guiding adjustments in teaching.
EHCPs: Planning & Personalising Assessment using Education, Health and Care Plan as a starting point
This video shows how Green Park School in Wolverhampton uses Evidence for Learning (EfL) to capture and assess engagement and learning based on EHCP outcomes. It demonstrates how the school creates Personal Learning Goals for each learner, drawn from EHCP outcomes and termly targets that address barriers and scaffold progress toward long-term goals. Evidence is captured and linked to relevant outcomes, with the school’s custom assessment model in EfL enabling them to monitor progress and hold professional discussions on holistic development.
Post 16 Provision: Developing a personalised and authentic curriculum for SEND learners
Watch how Palmerston School in Liverpool uses Evidence for Learning (EfL) to support its Post-16 Provision. EfL helps the school meet Preparation for Adulthood outcomes by creating a personalized, community-rooted curriculum for learners. The school captures and assesses learning both in and out of school, including at home, in the community, and in workplace settings. EfL enables collaboration with parents, carers, therapists, local employers, and community organizations, providing comprehensive support. Learners also use the app to create digital resumes showcasing their skills and achievements.
Parent Engagement & Empowerment: Nurturing and enhancing the triangular relationship
This video demonstrates how Red Oaks School uses Evidence for Learning (EfL) to enhance parent engagement, empowering them as active partners in their child’s learning. Teachers create personalized videos to guide parents in supporting key learning steps, while parents can record and share evidence of learning at home and in the community. This collaboration helps generalize skills and knowledge, creating a shared language for learning and assessment that parents understand. One parent shares how EfL has transformed her son’s attitude toward school and his engagement in learning.
Physiotherapy: Sharing Best Practice to support learners with SEND
In this short video, one of the physiotherapists at Alder Hey Hospital discusses and shows how he uses Evidence for Learning to share best practice with teachers and staff at Palmerston School, as well as parents and carers of learners at the school. He also touches on how he uses the Evidence for Learning app to support the creation of PLG (personal learning goals) for the learners that help to inform and support the development and delivery of Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs).
Prof. Barry Carpenter CBE: Coaching Engagement & inter-rater reliability
Professor Barry Carpenter CBE, working with a teacher at Green Park School in Wolverhampton, demonstrates how Evidence for Learning can be used to provide meaningful video evidence to facilitate professional dialogues about learning. It also looks at how EfL can support moderation, coaching and CPD for teachers and teaching assistants. Barry Carpenter joined the team at Evidence for Learning as Principal Senior Education Adviser in June 2018.
Engagement: Supporting transition and personalising provision
This video shows and tells how Wolverhampton SNEYS and some of the SEND schools in the local authority use evidence-based engagement data in Evidence for Learning to personalise the provision that each learner receives, as well as supporting the various transitions they undergo as they move between settings, classes and school and home.
Join and network with schools across the UK at one of our upcoming events…

Networking & Development Conferences 2024/25

EfL Regional Support Workshops & Clinics
Members of the EfL team will facilitate discussions and provide expert input on the various ways that EfL can support high quality practice and improved outcomes in your setting. Schools will share practice and ideas through lightning talks and roundtable discussions.

SEND in Mainstream Conference

A Responsive Programme of CPLD
The LearningShared CPLD Programme and Learning Platform offers a totally unique approach to CPLD for your staff and governors that connects you with other schools and colleges through live in person networking and development conferences, virtual networking events and an online learning platform.